A District Liaison is also known as a Stake Preparation Leader, wearing two hats:
1. As the Stake Preparation Leader
2. As the District Liaison
A District Liaison oversees and assists the Precinct Leaders in their District to get their neighborhood/Precinct organized. In Cottonwood Heights City, the District Liaisons are part of the Precinct Training Team.
In Cottonwood Heights City, we have 49 Precincts.
The District Liaison Team works together to ensure their Precinct Leaders are informed, trained, confident and effective leaders in their own Districts.
This is a serious team effort as the District Liaisons Teach Family Preparation, support "how to connect the dots of response" by including The City Emergency Prep Team representatives of Red Cross, Neighborhood Watch, Animal Control, Unified Fire, CERT Training, Comms, and the Emergency Management Team, to be part of the Precinct Training Team.
Precinct Leaders will learn of how each area of responsibility and expertise works to prepare for and execute the emergency response plan as well as assisting each Precinct Leader in creating their own Neighborhood Emergency Response Plan since help may not come for 72 hours and beyond.
They will become educated about recovery and what organizations are involved, how it all works together. Also known as VOAD, Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster.
Neighborhoods can come together before the emergency to organize and prepare themselves, enabling them to be trained and ready. Hopefully running to do their job as they help one another.
Many Precinct Leaders (Ward Emergency Prep Leader), have chosen to step up to the next level and are serving their community as well, wearing two hats:
1. As the Ward Prep Leader
2. The Precinct Leader.
Where this is not possible, the Precinct may invite someone in their neighborhood to serve as their Precinct Leader.
The Ward Preparation Leader fulfills their responsibilities in preparation of families in basic emergency and being prepared for anything that may come their way, with food, water, supplies and gaining skills to sustain themselves, also, financial and spiritual preparation.
The Precinct Leader fulfills their responsibility in response, organizing their neighborhood by inviting Block Captains, CERT Team and Precinct Comms to join the Precinct Team, develops and executes Neighborhood/Precinct Emergency Plan Drills. Make a plan for the Neighborhood to fund and gather their own CERT Cache, in other words their Neighborhood/ Precinct Emergency Supplies. (Wow, that was a mouthful!) Creating a great team effort opportunity, all bases are covered.
The Precinct Leader attends quarterly Precinct Leader Team Trainings with the District and City, and holds regular meetings with their Block Captains, Comms and CERTS.
Precinct Leader, Block Captain, Comms and CERT Team are not callings. It is an opportunity for neighbors to come together to serve their local community (neighbors and friends).
Copyright CHGetReady

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