A Precinct is your neighborhood, or for some, your ward area. It is a geographical area that is connected by roads in close proximity so in the event of an emergency, you can help each other.
Getting to know neighbors, becoming friends and serving one another is the name of the game.
What is a Precinct Team?
A Precinct Team includes a Precinct Leader, Precinct Comms (communications), Block Captains (1 per 6-10 homes in your neighborhood/Precinct) and CERTS (trained CERT Team Members) also, Team Leaders included in your Neighborhood Emergency Plan.
What does a Precinct Leader do?
Organizes the neighborhood into blocks. Invites Block Captains, Comms and Team Leaders to join the neighborhood team. Plans and practices regular communication drills with their Comms, Block Captains and CERTS. Also, plans and practices the neighborhood emergency plan.
Encourages family preparation and neighborhood gatherings to get to know one another.
A Precinct Leader would benefit greatly by CERT Training, First Aid Training, and CPR.
Precinct Leaders are supported by and become part of their District and City Team. Our is the Cottonwood Heights City Precinct Leader Team.
We attend Quarterly Precinct Team Training at the Cottonwood Heights City offices where training is provided that will support Precinct Leaders on how to use and report the Emergency Ribbon status of their neighbors, setting up a neighborhood cache (emergency supplies), assistance on creating the Precinct Emergency Plan, steps on how to begin emergency training drills and how to layer each area of their plan for yearly drills, updates on city news, CH Neighborhood Watch Training, How to deal with the animals in your neighborhood in the event of an emergency by CH Animal Control, Unified Fire training and instruction on keeping your home and neighborhood safe from area fire potential, District news and to become familiar with emergency plan of the city.
2013 www.chgetready |
A Block Captain is responsible to their block of neighbors. Getting to know them by sharing tips on preparation and being friends, shares contact information, plan as a block group what supplies and equipment they all have that would aid them in search and rescue, Emergency Ribbons know how for practice drills and in the event of a large scale emergency, participates in regular walkie talkie check ins and Precinct Team Training Drills
They may also become CERT, First Aid, and CPR Trained.
What is a Precinct Comms?
A Precinct Comms is your neighborhood communication specialist. Can be HAM Radio licensed, runs your weekly radio drills and is a team with their Precinct, District and City Comms Network. They are the other half of the Neighborhood/Precinct Leadership Team. Send and receive communication concerning their neighborhood status.
Training is two times a year at Cottonwood Heights City Precinct Team Training, held in January and July.
Copyright ChGetReady

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