Procedure For
Converting A Home Toilet Into A Dry System Or Set Up An Emergency Toilet
Converting A Home Toilet Into A Dry System Or Set Up An Emergency Toilet
Plug the hole with a ball inside a nylon sock that fits your drain (so the sewer gases don’t come in.) Do this for all of your toilets and drains. (Make sure you have balls in the nylon socks ready to place them, be sure they fit tight)
Open a large a plastic bag and place in the toilet or the bucket. (If using the bucket, snap on toilet seat securely or place a plastic bag across the top to keep the odor down when not in use)
Make sure to keep the liquids and solids separate
Use a urinal for liquids (Pour liquids on your bushes outside. They love it)
Only solids in the toilet, flatten with a stick and cover with an inch of sand, dirt or kitty litter. Repeat until filled.
To Empty, carefully lift the full bag from the toilet or transport the bucket after you have removed the toilet seat, outside to a previously dug hole . Cover with a couple inches of dirt, then with your dedicated shovel, chop to break open the plastic bag so the contents will compost into the soil /or place the full bag of waste into a separate garbage can specified for waste only, put the lid on securely. When the ground thaws, bury it (keep it in shade the north side of home or building so it stays frozen)
DO NOT USE ANY CHEMICALS ON SOLID WASTE - because it will interfere with the natural composting, that means no lime or Clorox. Instead use kitty litter, sand or soil
A Urinal and John Adapter (for women) may be purchased at Sportsman’s Warehouse, Fishing Dept., or Cabela's Camping Dept

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