2 - 6 Gal Buckets (one to use as a toilet, the other filled with soil, sand,
or kitty litter)
1 Lid
Toilet Seat w/Lid to fit bucket
1 Urinal w/ Adapter for women
1 Thick Stick at least 2 ft long
1 - 2 qt Labeled Squirt Bottle (hand cleaner).
1 – 32 oz. Spray Bottle (Fill with distilled vinegar and 10 drops of Essential Oil
of your choice to clean off toilet seat, adding essential oil increases the sanitizing
and anti-bacterial properties of the vinegar)
1 Shovel
6X12 Plastic Tarp (to cover the dirt dug from the hole you dug)
An empty garbage can w/lid (just in case you forgot to dig the hole before the
ground froze, place on the north side of house to stay out of the sun, keeps the
odor down)
1 sheet plywood (to cover the 3x3x3 ft hole dug)
****Dig a 3X3X3 foot hole as far from your home and garden as possible on your own
property for the disposal of waste filled plastic bags
Now add:
20 - 13 Gal garbage Bags (to place in the bucket to collect waste)
3 - 4 Rolls Toilet Paper
1-2 Rolls Paper Towels
1 Box Vinyl Gloves
1 Package Baby Wipes
***Enough balls to stop all the drains in the house in case the sewer system is down to
keep the gases out of your home. (You can use a tight fitting ball in a nylon sock in
the drain for easy removal). A tennis ball works well, be sure to check it beforehand for size
****Be sure to keep wash your hands well after, a little soap and water goes a long way for
personal hygiene, and be sure to keep the area of your toilet as clean as possible after each use

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