home preperation response recovery meet debbie

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Water Storing Tips

Invest in you and your family
Empty Water Containers holds Dehydrated Water- 
                              FILL EM UP !!
                    Water is Essential to LIFE!
The human body is 60% water. Metabolism and clear thinking requires hydration, under stress you need even more water
No less than 1 gallon per person per day for drinking and cooking.  Laundry, cleaning and sanitation is extra 
And don't forget your pets.
Find a way to store enough water for your family for 2 weeks
Consider different size & type containers for different uses, as you may need to travel to fill it up 
Fifty five gallon barrel  will need a pump. Good for laundry and cleaning needs.
Five or six gallon water containers to store drinking/cooking water in since they can be transported easily for use and to re-fill from a clean source 
after your current stored water has run out.
Another option,  polycarbonate containers for water drinking and cooking.
Make sure you have pumps available for the size you have chosen if you are unable to acces the water by pouring.
You will need a spigot for the 5 and 6 gallon containers
 The Ready Store

Invest in some kind of water filter for your family for time of usage. 
DO NOT expect anyone else to do this for you and your family or household.  
Prepare yourself by making whatever sacrifices you must to acquire the needed supplies and equipment.
Make it a priority to accomplish this project.  Be sure to store your containers on some type of platform, like a wood pallet, or a layer of bricks with plywood on top.  If you store it on a piece of plywood on a concrete floor, the plywood may disintegrate over time.  

If you store it directly on the concrete, it may affect the taste of the water. 

Make sure to use a RV Hose to fill up your drinking water supply, as regular hoses have lead in the inside of them and may transfer to your water.  Not good.

 Home Depot has them, click here

Be sure to prepare your containers for your water storage
When Filling Water Containers

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