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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Walkie Talkie Communication Education

Walkie Talkie Communication Education
Block Captain Reporting 2013 chgetready
The call: “Block Captain 10, This is Precinct 3, Over”
The answer: “ This is Block Captain 10, Go Ahead”
The response: “ Contact Medical on channel one four, Over”
The acknowledgement: “Block Captain 10 changing to one four for Medical contact, Roger, Out”

Let's re-cap what happened

** The Precinct Communications Specialist used “THIS IS” to identify himself and “OVER”,  he expects a reply.

**The answering Block Captain 10 said “THIS IS” followed by his call sign “BLOCK CAPTAIN TEN”, then acknowledged he was listening and ready to receive by using the pro-words “GO AHEAD”.

**The Precinct Communications Specialist instructed Block Captain Ten to contact the medical team on another channel – channel number 14. (Spoken as “ONE FOUR” not “FOURTEEN” – this is clearer) The pro-word “OVER” was used to indicate that the transmission ended and he expected a reply.

**Block Captain 10 acknowledges by repeating the command he is following, “BLOCK CAPTAIN TEN CHANGING TO ONE FOUR FOR MEDICAL CONTACT”.  He uses the pro-word “ROGER” to communicate that he received and understood the message.  “OUT” meaning he’s done and does not expect a reply.

Copyright CHGetReady

1 comment:

  1. Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now.A walkie talkie is a two-way radio transciever. It is hand-held and portable and was originally developed for use in the military. It's like a telephone unit with an antenna sticking out of the top.Thanks!!
