home preperation response recovery meet debbie

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Welcome to CH Get Ready!

                      Prepare your Family for Life’s Unforeseen Adventures
                                         Simple Steps  - Habits of Success and Peace
Create your own family plan of obtaining supplies and developing the skills needed to use your new equipment.  With your neighbors, and as you prepare, work together with your neighborhood to create a Neighborhood Plan
                               You get to design your destiny, create what you want
                                                         Just Get It Done This Year  

·       Store enough water for every person in your family to have 1 gal per day for a couple of weeks (if possible), store extra for cleaning and sanitation (invest in a good water filter to stretch your capacity)
Water Storage 
·       Store food you like and eat regularly, start w/1-3 month supply and progress to a 12-month supply.  Also, store long term, nutrient dense food, grains, beans, meds, seeds, herbs etc
Emergency Food Storage 
·       Have alternative cooking equipment and supplies at your home; use it throughout the year, building your skills.  Teach your family so they gain skills too ;-)
·       Make a 72 second kit for every member of your family (under bed, jeans, shirt, sweatshirt, socks, boots, leather gloves, head lamp or flash light)  What Is A 72 Second Kit?
·       Put a Grab ‘n Go Kit together for every member of your family, including pets, check it yearly and make appropriate adjustments (include ID) Why Do I Need A Grab' n Go Bag?
·       Make Grab ’n Go Kits for the office, car, school, and work for your family
 Grab 'n Go For Kids At School
Grab 'n Go For The Office
·       Make sure your car is equipped w/tools, flashlights, (boots and coats in the winter) water, some food, and supplies that you could use if you were to become stranded
·       Keep you car tuned up, and fuel tank not less than ½ full at all times
Do You Have A Car Emergency Kit?  
·       Keep sleeping bags, tents and alternative cooking supplies and equipment in good repair and ready for use
·       Have a sanitation kit.  Know how to use it   Sanitation
·       Have an alternative laundry kit, know how to use it (sewing supplies also)
 Do You Have A Laundry Kit?
·       Have alternative heat and light sources available for you in your home and know how to use the equipment properly. Consider solar Alternative Heat 
Alternative Light
·       Secure Your Water Heater heater so it won’t tip over
·       Put your pictures and important documents on a n external drive and on a flash drive or
·       Know where your important documents are, keep them together
Grab 'n Go Kit Details 
·       Learn how to shelter in place and gather your supplies so you are ready
Shelter in Place 
·       Attend to your spiritual preparedness daily
·       Save some money for a rainy day, preferably an emergency fund starting w/$1000.00 in savings (for emergencies ONLY) if used, replace ASAP
·       Get to know your neighbors! Become a Block Captain, HAM Radio Operator or Precinct Leader, Get your CERT Training, First Aid and CPR Training
·       Attend City Quarterly Trainings to get the basics of Organizing your Neighborhood, Communication in your neighborhood and the city, CERT Training, work together to purchase and stock your Neighborhood Emergency Trailer, Neighborhood Watch Training and much more
·       Get the basics done.   Satisfaction is the result of knowing you are part of the solution, YOU ARE PREPARED FOR THE MANY ADVENTURES OF LIFE
·     Embrace Chaos, (see where you are now and) Celebrate Order (as you complete your preparations)


Friday, March 6, 2015

Get This Done This Year

Thursday, March 5, 2015

What Are Emergency Ribbons?

                       What are Emergency Ribbons and why do we need them?

These are Emergency Ribbons.  They would be used if there were a wide spread emergency that caused damage to your home or family, like an earthquake or other natural disaster.

After checking your home and securing your family so they are safe, you would post the applicable ribbon of your circumstance on the doorknob,  light fixture or light post so that your Block Captain would see what is happening in your household.

This is our Emergency Ribbon Supplier
Custom Caution Tape


Tie it on your doorknob
Tie it on your light fixture

 The Block Captain reports your ribbon color you post to the Precinct Comms (Communication Person) via walkie talkie, HAM radio, or by foot, where it is recorded. 

Then the Precinct Comms reports to the District Comms. The District Comms reports to the City via HAM Radio, Packet,  D-Star or any other system they have set up.

Emergency Ribbon status being reported in your Precinct
In your neighborhood, this information is very useful.  As the information is received at the Command Post already set up in your neighborhood by your Precinct Leader and Precinct Comms (per your neighborhood emergency plan already in place), it is clear to see what areas of your neighborhood is hit the hardest and which ones are ok.  

The information will be used to dispatch your your neighborhood CERT Search and Rescue Team by the Precinct Leader and Comms.

Take a CERT Training Course

Take a HAM Radio Class


You may be on your own for the first 5 days    following a large scale disaster or event.

When the information gets to the city, via HAM Radio, it will populate a map that the GIS Specialist of the City has already set up.  Through the process of receiving that information, areas hit the hardest will populate the map of the city.  Dispatch priority will be clear.

Calling 911 will not be an option, as lines will be jammed.  Responsibility lies with each individual family, neighborhood (Precinct).

On a family level, preparations for your Grab 'n Go Bag is vital.

Also, storing a month's worth of extra food for your family is always a good idea.
Store water in your home with the ability to filter it for usage.
Get to know your neighbors. You may even want to volunteer to become a Block Captain for your neighbors.

Take a CERT Training Course to be part of your Neighborhood CERT Search and Rescue Team.
A First Aid Class or a CPR Training will be of great value in an emergency no matter where you are when any emergency happens.

The City of Cottonwood Heights has taken the responsibility of purchasing supplies for  Emergency Ribbons for it's residents.

Emergency Ribbons will be distributed to Cottonwood Heights residents through their District and Precinct Leader from the City Manager
Block Captains will receive Emergency Ribbons from their Precinct Leader.

Block Captains will deliver Emergency Ribbons to all the neighbors on their block explaining their usage.

Block Captains may check with the Precinct Leader to obtain ribbons for new move ins.

Emergency Ribbons will be used every year for Shake-Out currently held in April.  Precincts may use them for practice drills so be sure to keep them.

Store your Emergency Ribbons in a ziplock bag and tape it to the inside of a kitchen cabinet that you see all the time and will remember in the event it is needed.

Emergency Ribbon Use

In Cottonwood Heights
Our city supplies the Emergency Ribbons for it's residents, we use them for our practice Emergency Drills, like Shake Out. They would also be used in case of a true emergency.

Block Captains can see from the road each neighbor's status and then report it to the Precinct Comms who will send the information up the ladder to where it needs to go for appropriate help

The City Manager distributes the Emergency Ribbons to the District Liaison who then has each Precinct Leader pick up the supplies and make enough ribbons to distribute to their Precinct.

This can be done by joining forces with the Block Captains who will then bag them up and deliver them to the residents in their block educating them on how they are to be used, when and why.

These are the instructions that go with the Emergency Ribbons for each household.

Home Occupant
Enclosed are four ribbons
Display the top priority color ribbon concerning your status in front of your home visible from the street in case of a natural  disaster or area emergency so your Block Captain and CERT Team members can report and respond to your status
Put this packet in a easy to remember area, like taped in a zip lock bag inside a kitchen cabinet door, one that gets used a lot so you know right where it is located in the event of an actual event. 

You may be drilling with your Neighborhood Precinct Team,  Shake- Out exercises or in the event of a natural disaster
Red: A Life threatening situation in your home
Yellow:  A medical problem, but not life threatening
Green:  Display when there are no medical situations
Black:  A death in your home
If you move, please contact your Block Captain to let them know so your ribbons may be replaced for the new occupant

You can print off a copy below under Printable Instructions For Emergency Ribbons

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Earthquake Checklist After The Shaking Stops

Check Your Home

If you are in bed and wearing your night clothes, pull your 72 second kit (jeans, shirt, sweatshirt, socks, boots or shoes,  leather gloves, flashlight or headlamp) out from under the bed and get dressed quickly  

On your way out of the house, notice damage severity to your home    
 Locate family members or roommates and pets as soon as possible, go outside to your meeting area hopefully aftershocks are over 
 Check on:
Water heater     
 Broken pipes    
 Electrical panel  
 Check the foundation of your home for cracks, inspect the chimney  
 Take photos of damage

Place the Emergency Ribbon that applies to your situation out for your Block captain to report     

If you are a Block Captain, and your family, home and pets are secure. Report your Block's Emergency Ribbon status.  Report that information to the Precinct Comms.   Get your pack, helmet, vest and gloves.   Report to your Precinct (Neighborhood) Staging area for dispatch or to volunteer to be on one of your neighborhood emergency teams