home preperation response recovery meet debbie

Friday, July 31, 2015

Why Do I Need a Grab 'n Go Bag?

When the emergency happens, it is too late to prepare

So many calamities in the world happening, so caring for your own and your family's needs in an emergency is essential. Being self -sustaining means you are prepared to stay in your home, you have supplies (food, water etc.) for a period of time (at least 3 months to begin with), an emergency kit or Grab "n Go kit for every member of your family or household in the event of an evacuation from home on short notice. 
Grab 'n Go Kit Three Month Plan 

In the event of a major disaster, such as an earthquake, fire, flood, the Fire, Police, and Public Services must follow their priority requirements to government, public utilities, transportation, hospitals, schools, etc.

Grab 'n Go chgetready
 The individual is the last priority

We know it takes about 72 hours to 5 days following a disaster for organizations such as City First Responders and the Red Cross to reach the affected area, set up, and get organized before they are prepared to handle the needs of the emergency.  So families must take this responsibility seriously.  Who will feed your children?  The neighbor will be making sure their own families are taken care of before they extend their supplies to others.

If you make preparations to care for your own families needs first, you are in a position to assist others, becoming the solution.  If you do not take care of this responsibility, you will be adding to the problem.  Many people may starve, because some simply refuse to be responsible for themselves.
As we have conversations with family and friends of the many disasters and tragedies happening all around us, lets remind ourselves that we can prepare for a better outcome by making a plan and sticking to it until it is done.
Grab 'n Go Kit List - Individual
 Grab 'n Go Kit List - Child
Grab 'n Go List - Pets

Updating once a year is part of the plan to evaluate foodstuff for any leakage.

Be ready with a kit filled with supplies so that survival will prevail during those first few hours or days.  Pack necessities, not luxuries. A sturdy backpack or rolling suitcase is ideal. Gather and purchase all of your items for your bag BEFORE you purchase your backpack or suitcase, it maybe more & take up more space than you initially think.

Each person in your household must have his or her own kit, since it is possible that family members could become separated. 
If walking, a child would not be able to carry very much for a long period of time but do need to have some items that would help them survive. A larger, more extensive family kit may be added, and kept separate from the individual kits. 

Don't forget your pets.  They are part of your family and you will need to prepare for them as well.
Wagon to transport with   chgetready
 Following are many areas of preparation.  Make it your own, covering your own requirements, likes and dislikes.  Remember some items need to be rotated, changed, or added keeping it fresh.
Important Note.......Whatever you pack is what you will have.  The stores may be unavailable, and if you purchase poor quality to just get it done, you will have to work with what you have chosen.
Be Wise.

Begin with a change of clothing, extra socks, underwear, and a jacket, a hat, gloves, hiking shoes. Comfortable clothing such as a sweat shirt and sweat pants since you may be up and down on the ground or low cots in a temporary shelter. Other personal items such as feminine items, baby diapers and wipes, medications, extra glasses or sunglasses, “comfort toys”, a book, writing material, and card games are helpful. (to assist children feeling calm and safe).
Be sure to update clothing in all your bags or you may be sharing your clothes!

OUTGROWN! chgetready

Wear dad's clothes      chgetrready

Grab 'n Go Kit Details


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