home preperation response recovery meet debbie

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Pets Emergency Preparation; Before, During and After

Before a Disaster Strikes
·      Keep your pet’s vaccinations current.
·      Take photos of each animal, including any distinguishing marks.  Store those photos along with their medical records in re-sealable plastic bags along with other important papers in their Grab ‘n Go Bag
·      Keep a properly fitted collar,  including current license, ID tags and vaccinations.   Cats that never go outside need to have collars with their tags and vaccinations.  Birds need to be leg-banded.  (For finding their way back to you if you are separated).
·      Pre-determine the best place to leave your pet in case of an emergency/disaster.   Identify a place in your home to leave your pet as well as an off-site location in case of evacuation.
·      Have an emergency Grab ‘n Go Kit for each pet.  Familiarize your pet with the kit’s carrier or cage before an emergency.
·      Begin with at least a two- week supply of pet food they are used to.  Increase your supply to cover one year of pet food stored.

During a Disaster
·      If possible, evacuate your pet early to a site outside of the emergency area, consider a relative’s home or a pet friendly hotel.  Take a copy of your pet’s vaccination, medical records and identification photos with you.
·      In case of an evacuation, bring your pet indoors.  Disaster assistance groups like American Red Cross and Fema are not equipped to handle, rescue or care for displaced pets during large-scale emergencies.  Emergency/human disaster shelters cannot accept animals (except service animals) for safety and sanitation reasons.  DO NOT leave pets chained outdoors.
·      If you must leave your pet behind, prepare an emergency pen for pets in your home that includes at least a three-day supply of dry food and a large, spill proof container of water.  If possible, open a faucet to let water drip into a large container or partially fill al bathtub. 
·      Do not leave vitamin treats out for your pet; they could be fatal, if overeaten.  Position cages off the floor, away from windows, and on a sturdy surface to prevent tipping over.  Preselecting a site in your home will make emergency preparations for your pet easier than waiting until the emergency occurs.
·      Keep cats and dogs separate, even if they normally get along (stress in emergencies can upset the balance of friendship).  Keep bird cages covered with a protective sheet, away from windows and other pets.
·      If you cannot locate your animals and have to evacuate, leave as much water and food, inside or outside for them as possible.
After a Disaster
·      If you notice that your pet’s behavior has changed, monitor your pet closely. 
·      Keep your pets on a leash and maintain close contact.  Familiar scents and landmarks may be altered, causing confusion and abnormal behavior.
·      If your pet was lost, contact boarding kennels, humane shelters and veterinary hospitals.  Place signs or pet emergency stickers on your door, to notify emergency crews that you have pets that need to be found or that are inside your house and need to be rescued.  These stickers and signs are available at many pet stores or are FREE from the ASPCA.  Include the address and phone number of a close relative or friend that isn’t from your area. 
·      Stay away from stray pets that are acting aggressive after an emergency.

    ***  If you find a pet, call animal control or alternate emergency phone numbers set up during the disaster.  The best defense against lost animals is properly fitted collar including ID tag,  or have them chipped at your local animal control.

Copyright    CHGetReady.com

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