home preperation response recovery meet debbie

Friday, July 31, 2015

Grab 'n Go Kit Three Month Plan

It takes time and money to put a complete kit together,  so here is a plan for you to keep moving so you get it done.   We put ours out so it was in the way, it was always there and actually annoying,  so we were motivated to get them done and put away. (the plan worked!)

Anything worth doing takes sacrifice somewhere, and the payoff is awesome 

Declaration “ Sacrifice = Greater Rewards of Knowledge and Accountability”

_______This week forego the movies,  dinner, trip, clothes, junk food etc. Saved $

_______This week forego the movies, dinner, trip, clothes, junk food etc. Saved $

_______This week forego the movies, dinner, trip, clothes, junk food etc.  Saved $

_______This week forego the movies,  dinner, trip, clothes, junk food etc.  Saved $

_______This week forego the movies, dinner, trip, clothes, junk food etc.  Saved $

_______This week forego the movies, dinner, trip, clothes, junk food etc. Saved $

Gather all you can of what you already have and leave it in a very conspicuous place so you see it all of the time.

As you check off your supplies, continue to add them to the pile.

Put everything you can in plastic bags to protect from moisture.

Do NOT buy your bag until you see how big your pile is.

You can use a wheeled container such as a small suitcase or  purchase a small cart to put it on if it is too heavy to lift.  (Make sure you purchase bungee cords or tie downs to secure it to the cart)

Do NOT purchase cheap supplies and equipment – in an emergency,
YOU HAVE WHAT YOU HAVE PREPARED – The stores may not be open

Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today
The good part of having it completed is........
Being prepared allows you to help others – You will be part of the solution
If you are not prepared  - You will be adding to the problem


Remember…….no one will be coming for a long time after the event.   So, GET READY

Declaration: “I am a person of order” (say it over and over until you believe it!
Just begin the process as you reinforce your worth to be a person of order!)

_____________Make a Grab ‘N Go Kit (Start Date)                   ____________(Completion Date)

Why Do I Need a Grab 'n Go Bag?

When the emergency happens, it is too late to prepare

So many calamities in the world happening, so caring for your own and your family's needs in an emergency is essential. Being self -sustaining means you are prepared to stay in your home, you have supplies (food, water etc.) for a period of time (at least 3 months to begin with), an emergency kit or Grab "n Go kit for every member of your family or household in the event of an evacuation from home on short notice. 
Grab 'n Go Kit Three Month Plan 

In the event of a major disaster, such as an earthquake, fire, flood, the Fire, Police, and Public Services must follow their priority requirements to government, public utilities, transportation, hospitals, schools, etc.

Grab 'n Go chgetready
 The individual is the last priority

We know it takes about 72 hours to 5 days following a disaster for organizations such as City First Responders and the Red Cross to reach the affected area, set up, and get organized before they are prepared to handle the needs of the emergency.  So families must take this responsibility seriously.  Who will feed your children?  The neighbor will be making sure their own families are taken care of before they extend their supplies to others.

If you make preparations to care for your own families needs first, you are in a position to assist others, becoming the solution.  If you do not take care of this responsibility, you will be adding to the problem.  Many people may starve, because some simply refuse to be responsible for themselves.
As we have conversations with family and friends of the many disasters and tragedies happening all around us, lets remind ourselves that we can prepare for a better outcome by making a plan and sticking to it until it is done.
Grab 'n Go Kit List - Individual
 Grab 'n Go Kit List - Child
Grab 'n Go List - Pets

Updating once a year is part of the plan to evaluate foodstuff for any leakage.

Be ready with a kit filled with supplies so that survival will prevail during those first few hours or days.  Pack necessities, not luxuries. A sturdy backpack or rolling suitcase is ideal. Gather and purchase all of your items for your bag BEFORE you purchase your backpack or suitcase, it maybe more & take up more space than you initially think.

Each person in your household must have his or her own kit, since it is possible that family members could become separated. 
If walking, a child would not be able to carry very much for a long period of time but do need to have some items that would help them survive. A larger, more extensive family kit may be added, and kept separate from the individual kits. 

Don't forget your pets.  They are part of your family and you will need to prepare for them as well.
Wagon to transport with   chgetready
 Following are many areas of preparation.  Make it your own, covering your own requirements, likes and dislikes.  Remember some items need to be rotated, changed, or added keeping it fresh.
Important Note.......Whatever you pack is what you will have.  The stores may be unavailable, and if you purchase poor quality to just get it done, you will have to work with what you have chosen.
Be Wise.

Begin with a change of clothing, extra socks, underwear, and a jacket, a hat, gloves, hiking shoes. Comfortable clothing such as a sweat shirt and sweat pants since you may be up and down on the ground or low cots in a temporary shelter. Other personal items such as feminine items, baby diapers and wipes, medications, extra glasses or sunglasses, “comfort toys”, a book, writing material, and card games are helpful. (to assist children feeling calm and safe).
Be sure to update clothing in all your bags or you may be sharing your clothes!

OUTGROWN! chgetready

Wear dad's clothes      chgetrready

Grab 'n Go Kit Details


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Grab 'n Go Kit List - Individual

_______Gather a change of clothing – comfortable clothes and shoes, socks, and underwear for a few days
________Jacket or sweatshirt, hat (beanie)
________ Pocket rain coat
________All clothing in a zip lock bags

Toiletries   (Put in a plastic bag so it is all together)
_______Hand towel and wash cloth
_______Toothbrush, paste, floss
_______Make-up (makes you feel better)
_______Hair brush, comb, shampoo
_______Deodorant, Lotion
_______Toilet paper, handkerchief or small pkg. Kleenex
_______Wet wipes

First Aid Kit    (Put in a plastic bag so it is all together)
______Band- aids (many sizes)
_______ Sterile pads (many Sizes)
_______4-5 pkgs of rolled gauze
_______First aid tape
_______ Large handkerchief (to use a sling etc)
_______Smelling salts
_______ Tweezers
_______Pins (various sizes)
_______Sterile Gloves
_______N-99 Masks
_______Extra Plastic Bags
_______First Aid Instruction Book
______Your personal medical information (what meds you are on and the
_______ Neosporin, First Aid Cream
_______ Duct Tape
_______Essential oils (if you use them) 
_______Homeopathic remedies, ( if you use them)
_______Put in extra meds (make sure to rotate them)

Grab ‘n Go Kit

Other Equipment or supplies
            _______Can opener (if you have cans in your kit)
_______Pocket knife (Multi – function)
_______Strong rope (100 ft)
_______Leather Gloves
_______Ground Cover/Tarp/Clips (to make into a shelter, if needed)
_______Sleeping Bag
_______Collapsible Cooking Stove and Fuel
_______Waterproof matches
_______Utensils, Plates, Cups, Cooking or heating pot (Scout mess kit size)
_______Whistle w/lanyard
_______Flashlight w/extra batteries, or Solar powered or both (store batteries
          separately in a plastic bag)
_______Head Lamp
_______Small radio w/extra batteries or wind up (Store batteries separate)
          (KSL Radio  1160 AM for all Emergency Updates)
_______Notebook, pen, pencil, book to read, crossword puzzles, envelopes,
          stamps etc,. (In a gallon size plastic bag)
_______Eye Glasses
_______Pictures of loved ones, pets (in plastic bags)
_______Copy of pet’s vaccinations, contact info where chipped
_______Personal Contact Phone #’s (inc. out of state contact too)
_______Flash drive or copies of important documents (insurance #’s, Dr #’s)
          (Keep on your person at all times)
_______Folding Shovel
_______Cash in small bills and coins ($25.00)

*Enough for 5 days (Ideas)
_______Canned or packaged tuna, salmon
_______Packaged nut butters
_______Freeze Dried Meals (Mountain House)
_______Dried Fruit
_______Energy Bars
_______Emergen-C (to replace electrolytes)
_______Nuts, Seeds (Must be changed out every 6 months)
_______Can Opener if you have canned foods or flip top cans
_______Small containers of fruit

Grab ‘n Go Kit

Food (Continued)

_______Enough dish soap to wash your dishes
_______Cloths and towels to clean up

_______At least 1 gallon of water right by your Grab ‘n Go Kit
_______Water Bottle
_______Water Filter


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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Grab 'n Go Kit List - Pets

Pets Emergency Preparation; Before, During and After

Before a Disaster Strikes
·      Keep your pet’s vaccinations current.
·      Take photos of each animal, including any distinguishing marks.  Store those photos along with their medical records in re-sealable plastic bags along with other important papers in their Grab ‘n Go Bag
·      Keep a properly fitted collar,  including current license, ID tags and vaccinations.   Cats that never go outside need to have collars with their tags and vaccinations.  Birds need to be leg-banded.  (For finding their way back to you if you are separated).
·      Pre-determine the best place to leave your pet in case of an emergency/disaster.   Identify a place in your home to leave your pet as well as an off-site location in case of evacuation.
·      Have an emergency Grab ‘n Go Kit for each pet.  Familiarize your pet with the kit’s carrier or cage before an emergency.
·      Begin with at least a two- week supply of pet food they are used to.  Increase your supply to cover one year of pet food stored.

During a Disaster
·      If possible, evacuate your pet early to a site outside of the emergency area, consider a relative’s home or a pet friendly hotel.  Take a copy of your pet’s vaccination, medical records and identification photos with you.
·      In case of an evacuation, bring your pet indoors.  Disaster assistance groups like American Red Cross and Fema are not equipped to handle, rescue or care for displaced pets during large-scale emergencies.  Emergency/human disaster shelters cannot accept animals (except service animals) for safety and sanitation reasons.  DO NOT leave pets chained outdoors.
·      If you must leave your pet behind, prepare an emergency pen for pets in your home that includes at least a three-day supply of dry food and a large, spill proof container of water.  If possible, open a faucet to let water drip into a large container or partially fill al bathtub. 
·      Do not leave vitamin treats out for your pet; they could be fatal, if overeaten.  Position cages off the floor, away from windows, and on a sturdy surface to prevent tipping over.  Preselecting a site in your home will make emergency preparations for your pet easier than waiting until the emergency occurs.
·      Keep cats and dogs separate, even if they normally get along (stress in emergencies can upset the balance of friendship).  Keep bird cages covered with a protective sheet, away from windows and other pets.
·      If you cannot locate your animals and have to evacuate, leave as much water and food, inside or outside for them as possible.
After a Disaster
·      If you notice that your pet’s behavior has changed, monitor your pet closely. 
·      Keep your pets on a leash and maintain close contact.  Familiar scents and landmarks may be altered, causing confusion and abnormal behavior.
·      If your pet was lost, contact boarding kennels, humane shelters and veterinary hospitals.  Place signs or pet emergency stickers on your door, to notify emergency crews that you have pets that need to be found or that are inside your house and need to be rescued.  These stickers and signs are available at many pet stores or are FREE from the ASPCA.  Include the address and phone number of a close relative or friend that isn’t from your area. 
·      Stay away from stray pets that are acting aggressive after an emergency.

    ***  If you find a pet, call animal control or alternate emergency phone numbers set up during the disaster.  The best defense against lost animals is properly fitted collar including ID tag,  or have them chipped at your local animal control.

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