*Stored off-site
*Stored off-site
#Stored in file box
Equipment & Blankets
___Emergency space blankets, 50
___Wool blankets, 5
___Sheets, Flat, 15
___Adult size backboards, 6
___Child size backboards, 4
___*Defibrillator, 1
Cleaning Supplies
___Dishpans, 3
___*Liquid soap w/pump, 4
___*Dish soap, 3 - 8oz
___*Disinfectant, 4
___*Distilled vinegar, 1 gal
___Bar soap, 12, - (2 nylons)
___Towels, hand, 8
___Towels, bath, 8
___Towels, beach, 4
___Rags, toweling (12”x12”), 50
___Cups, 8 oz, 200
___Paper towels, 12 rolls
___Toilet paper, 36 rolls
___*Wet wipes, 4 boxes of 100
___*Wet wipes, 4 boxes of 100
___EZ Towels (option)
___*Duct Tape, 6 rolls
___Menstrual pads,/tampons, various sizes 2 pkg ea.
___Garbage bags, 3 boxes of 30 gal
___Garbage bags, 3 boxes, med
___Painters plastic, 1 roll ea. clear, black
___Tarps, 4 various sizes
___Sanitation Kit w/urinal & adapter, 3
___Privacy shelters, 3
___Shovel, 1
___Kitty Litter, 2 bags
___Laundry Kits, 2
___*Extensive First Aid Kits, 4
___*EMT Field Bag for each coordinator
___#Medical Forms, 50
___Sterile Bandages, all sizes, 200
___Triangular bandages, 25
___Rolled Strips, 200
___T-shirts, all sizes, 50
___Sock tops, 20 pr
___Splints – all sizes, 40
___Matches 2 boxes of 250
___Scissors, Bandage scissors, 10
___Safety pins, all sizes 2 boxes
___Diaper pins 3 pkgs
___*Peroxide, 5 bottles - 16 oz
___*Rubbing alcohol, 5 bottles - 16 oz
___*Alcohol wipes, 2 boxes of 50
___*Antiseptic wipes, 100
___*Neosporin, 5 small
___First Aid Kits, 10
___Sports tape, adhesive tape,@4
___*Suturing Kits, 2
__*N-97 Disposable Masks, 50
___Goggles, 10
___Headlamps, 10
Batteries for Headlamps, flashlights
___*AAA, 50 ___*AA,50
___*D, 20
___Flashlights, 10
___Buckets - ___5 gal, 5
___2 gal, 5
___Garbage can, 30 gal, 2
___First Aid bks, Standard & Advanced, @1
Water Containers
___*5 gal, container w/ spigots, 10
___*RV water hose, 1
___Water filters, 1
___Water bottles w/filter, 5
Command Post
___Folding table, 2
___Folding chairs, 2-4
___*Radio, battery operated, 2
___*Tent, Carport, 8x12, 1
___*HAM Radio, 1
___*Two-way radios,4
___*Laptop Computer
___Overhead lighting, electric & battery, 1
___Extension cords, 100 ft, 2
___Surge protected power strips, 2
___#Neighborhood maps, 3’x4’, 2
___#Neighborhood maps, 8 ½”x11”, 20
___#List of people w/ power equip,
chain saws, bobcat, 10
___#List of people w/ medical training, 10
___#List of people w/various tools, supplies, other skills,
___ File box
___Clipboards, 5
___Notebooks/paper, 10
___Pen, pencils, 25
___Paper clips, 200
___White board, & stand, 1
___ *White board markers, 10 black
___#Forms (CERT), various
___Stapler/Staples, 2
___*Masking tape, 4
Rescue Tools, Equipment & Supplies
___Halogen work lights & stand, 2
___Cribbing materials, 16” 2x4’s, 40
___5’ Iron pry bars (use w/cribbing), 2
___*High boy jack, 1
___*Hydraulic jack, 1
___Bottle jacks, 2-ton, 2
___Chains, 25’ 3/8”, 2
___Fire extinguishers, ABC, 4
___Shovels round, 3, square 3
___Pick, 2
___Pick Ax, 2
___Single blade ax, 1
___Sledge hammer, 10lb., 1
___Ladder, 6’, 1, ___*16’, 1
___Hack saws, various tooth blades, 3
___Bow saws, 3
___Bolt cutters, 18” & 36”, @1
___Assorted hand tools: screw drivers, hammers, pliers, vice
grips, wrenches…@4
___Gas meter keys, 2
___Beacons, set , for helicopter landing
___Rope, 50’ nylon climbing rope, 2
___Rope, 25’ of 1” rope
___*Hard hats (CERT),
___*Reflective vests , 10
___Caution Tape (DO NOT ENTER), 300 ‘, 4
___Work gloves, heavy duty, Med, Large, Xlarge, @7 pr
___Heavy duty rubber gloves, large, 5 pr
___Whistles, 10
___N97 disposable masks, 20
___Broom, 1
___Push broom, 1
___Utility knife w/spare blades, 8
___*Power saw, 1
___*Backboards stored at homes
___*Generator, 1
Positions needing to be filled
___Outfit trailer w/attached shelving, 1
___Procurement of supplies & equipment (possible Eagle
Projects), 2
___Organize and re-supply trailer, provide layout maps &
list of location of supplies & equipment, 2
___Quartermaster during emergencies (keep track of and check
supplies & equipment out & back in), 2
___People w/keys to trailer and means to pull from storage
to its emergency location

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