Why Do You Need a CERT Trailer?
A CERT Trailer is also known as a Neighborhood Cache
CERT Trailer CHGetReady |
It is a place for your neighborhood to gather and store Emergency Supplies that you will use in the event of an emergency.
Because you know, in the event of a large disaster.......911 does not have the capacity to respond to the individual. They will be going to schools and other places where large numbers of people are housed or gathered.
Emergency Responders are limited in number and so you will be on your own.
You may not see them for up to 5 days. Therefore, the neighborhood must prepare themselves, have emergency rescue equipment and supplies, a plan to rescue and care for themselves.
Block Party CHGetReady |
Most of the donations collected will go towards purchasing and filling their CERT Trailer. They will fill it with supplies like Medical Equipment, bandages, backboards, splints, blankets. Lots of First Aid Supplies, a couple of porta potties, hygiene kits, paper products, garbage bags, disinfectant etc.
Also, rescue supplies like shovels, ropes, pics sledge hammers, ladders, hand tools, flashlights and Command Post Equipment and Supplies, like folding tables and chairs, overhead lighting, maybe a generator and extension cords.
Some Neighborhood's even choose to include helicopter landing lights and solar chargers.
Begin by educating your neighborhood why you are motivated to create your CERT Trailer. When people understand it will be for them, they usually choose to be a part of the effort.
The Precinct Leader may lead this effort. Consider having a neighborhood party where you get to know one another. Start the process, let them see it grow as you purchase your trailer first. Then begin to fill it.
Ask for donations of used, clean sheets and towels. We had a Rip Roll and Bag Night where we gathered together in a back yard, summertime on the clean beautiful green grass. Putting chairs in large circles where we could visit as we measured, ripped, rolled and bagged clean, donated sheets and pillowcases into 4 and 5 inch wide bandages. We later sanitized and re-bagged them. We also sewed two large towels together to use as blankets.

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