Do you have adequate food storage in case of a family emergency? A family emergency may include things like job loss, family health crisis, an accident, the economy, drought, social unrest, weather related catastrophes etc.
Having a 3 month supply of the foods you eat everyday will give you more security and peace so if for any reason you cannot get to the store, you know you can feed your family, pets included.
Long and Short Term Food Storage |
(We will talk about gluten free later)
Begin with a 1 month supply and move toward a one year supply of the dry store able staples like, beans & legumes, (several kinds), rice (Basmatti white and brown, long grain, short grain, white rice) wheat (soft, white, hard red), cereal grains like oats, and/or groats or steel cut, millet, buckwheat, quinoa (red, black or white), teff, amaranth, popcorn (ground is great for cornmeal) salt, (Redmond, sea salt, Himalayan), baking soda, (for cooking and cleaning), baking powder.
Honey, maple syrup, stevia, white or brown sugar, sprout seeds for later sprouting, raw nuts and seeds (stored in glass jars with a food saver) for extended shelf life, apple cider and white vinegar.
Freeze dried or dehydrated fruits and veggies, canned foods (be sure to rotate, watch the dates)
Paper products, women and baby supplies, alternative fuel for cooking, light and heat
Food Storage Plan

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