Prepare your Family for Life’s Unforeseen Adventures
Simple Steps - Habits of Success and Peace
Create your own family plan of obtaining supplies and developing
the skills needed to use your new equipment.
With your neighbors, and as you prepare, work together with your neighborhood to create a Neighborhood Plan
You get to design your
destiny, create what you want
Just Get It Done This Year
· Store enough water for every person in your family
to have 1 gal per day for a couple of weeks (if possible), store extra for
cleaning and sanitation (invest in a good water filter to stretch your
Water Storage
Water Storage
· Store food you like and eat regularly, start w/1-3
month supply and progress to a 12-month supply.
Also, store long term, nutrient dense food, grains, beans, meds, seeds, herbs etc
Emergency Food Storage
Emergency Food Storage
· Have alternative cooking equipment and supplies at
your home; use it throughout the year, building your skills. Teach your family so they gain skills too ;-)
· Make a 72 second kit for every member of your family
(under bed, jeans, shirt, sweatshirt, socks, boots, leather gloves, head lamp
or flash light) What Is A 72 Second Kit?
· Put a Grab ‘n Go Kit together for every member of your
family, including pets, check it yearly and make appropriate adjustments (include
ID) Why Do I Need A Grab' n Go Bag?
· Make Grab ’n Go Kits for the office, car, school, and
work for your family
Grab 'n Go For Kids At School
Grab 'n Go For The Office
Grab 'n Go For Kids At School
Grab 'n Go For The Office
· Make sure your car is equipped w/tools, flashlights,
(boots and coats in the winter) water, some food, and supplies that you could
use if you were to become stranded
· Keep you car tuned up, and fuel tank not less than ½
full at all times
Do You Have A Car Emergency Kit?
Do You Have A Car Emergency Kit?
· Keep sleeping bags, tents and alternative cooking
supplies and equipment in good repair and ready for use
· Have a sanitation kit. Know how to use it Sanitation
· Have an alternative laundry kit, know how to use it
(sewing supplies also)
Do You Have A Laundry Kit?
Do You Have A Laundry Kit?
· Have alternative heat and light sources available for
you in your home and know how to use the equipment properly. Consider solar Alternative Heat
Alternative Light
Alternative Light
· Secure Your Water Heater heater so it won’t tip over
· Put your pictures and important documents on a n
external drive and on a flash drive or
· Attend to your spiritual preparedness daily
· Save some money for a rainy day, preferably an
emergency fund starting w/$1000.00 in savings (for emergencies ONLY) if used,
replace ASAP
· Get to know your neighbors! Become a Block Captain,
HAM Radio Operator or Precinct Leader, Get your CERT Training, First Aid and
CPR Training
· Attend City Quarterly Trainings to get the basics of
Organizing your Neighborhood, Communication in your neighborhood and the city,
CERT Training, work together to purchase and stock your Neighborhood Emergency
Trailer, Neighborhood Watch Training and much more
· Get the basics done.
Satisfaction is the result of knowing you are part of the solution, YOU
· Embrace Chaos,
(see where you are now and) Celebrate
Order (as you complete your preparations)