home preperation response recovery meet debbie

Saturday, February 28, 2015

What is CERT?


Copyright 2013 Debbie Mackintosh www.chgetready

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) concept was developed and implemented by the city of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) in 1985.  They recognized that citizens would very likely be on their own during the early stages of a catastrophic disaster.  Accordingly, LAFD decided that some basic training in disaster survival and rescue skills would improve the ability of citizens to survive until responders or other assistance could arrive.  The Whittier Narrows earthquake in 1987 underscored the area-wide threat of a major disaster in California.  Further, it confirmed the need for training civilians to meet immediate emergency needs.  As a result, the LAFD created the Disaster Preparedness Division with the purpose of training citizens in the CERT concept.  As of 1993, more than 8,000 people and 225 teams had been trained.
The training program LAFD initiated proved to be so beneficial that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) felt the concept and the program should be made available to communities nationwide.  The Emergency Management Institute (EMI), in cooperation with the LAFD, has expanded the CERT Materials to make them applicable to all hazards.  The goal of the training continues to be preparing people to help people.  Seeing the value of CERT, FEMA is committed to supporting the training of local CERT teams across the nation.  These teams too can assist with saving lives and protecting property in the event of a major disaster.
Those who benefit from the training should thank the LAFD for their vision and initiative in developing CERT, and for their willingness to support FEMA’s effort to share this program with communities across the nation.
If available, emergency services workers are the best trained and equipped to handle emergencies and you should use them. However, following a catastrophic disaster, you and the community may be on your own for a period of time because of the size of the area affected, lost communications, and un-passable roads.
CERT training is designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a catastrophic disaster.  Because Emergency services workers will not be able to help everyone immediately, you can make a difference by receiving the training to help save lives and protect property. This training covers basic skills that are important to know in a disaster when emergency services are not available.  You will want to help.  With training and practice and as a team, you will be able to do the greatest good for the greatest number after a disaster, while protecting yourself from becoming a victim.  

  Contact your Local Fire Dept for training and more information.
Salt Lake Area

Herman CERT Drill

Friday, February 6, 2015

Welcome: What this website is all about


Have you ever wondered what would happen in your neighborhood if there was a large catastrophic event?
How would you respond?    Who would respond?    What would you check in your own home?
Who can you help?  Is anyone coming to help you?
Are they able to get there and how will you let them know you need help? 
What preparations have you made? Can they be added to?
Do you have tools and equipment in your own garage or storage shed to assist in rescuing your family or your neighbor?  What do you have?  Make a note of it.
How do you prepare for something on a large or small scale?
What can you learn from others who have had those experiences?
How well do you know your neighbors?  Can you work with others successfully?
Do you have the skills of following someone who is more qualified?
Do you have the skills of leading and organizing others?
Do you have supplies and equipment in your own home that will allow you to be safe, have shelter, light, warmth,  food and water in case the municipal water and utilities go down?
What about communication, do you have access to a land line telephone, walkie talkies, HAM Radio and training, do you have a plan?
What if you had to leave quickly, do you have supplies in your car that will allow you to do that?  What if a vehicle is not an option?
What if you were away from home, do you have access to a grab n go bag at work or in your car that will sustain you for a time as you find your way home?
Is your neighborhood prepared to work together as a team?
Do you have emergency first aid and rescue supplies?
This is what we have found works..............

Be responsible for yourself first,  your family next and then you will be in a position to assist others.

Prepare as though 911 is not coming to help you for a long time.
Since you may be on your own for a bit,  gather your supplies by giving up a months worth of going to the movies to begin purchasing supplies for a 72 hour kit for each person in your home to put in your home, your car or work or all of those places.
Stock your pantry for at least 30 days worth of extra food and hygiene supplies for you and your family.  Then continue to build to 3 months worth and eventually 1 year.
Become familiar with the removal of waste.
Become familiar with using your water storage.
Take the CERT Training, First Aid and CPR Training.
HAM Radio interest? Go for it.
We will answer all these questions and more, join us and empower yourself and your neighborhood.




Copyright CHGetReady

Monday, February 2, 2015

CERT Trailer

Why Do You Need a CERT Trailer?

A CERT Trailer is also known as a Neighborhood Cache
CERT Trailer                          CHGetReady

It is a place for your neighborhood to gather and store Emergency Supplies that you will use in the event of an emergency.

Because you know, in the event of a large disaster.......911 does not have the capacity to respond to the individual.  They will be going to schools and other places where large numbers of people are housed or gathered.
Emergency Responders are limited in number and so you will be on your own.

You may not see them for up to 5 days.  Therefore, the neighborhood must prepare themselves, have emergency rescue equipment and supplies, a plan to rescue and care for themselves.

Block Party                CHGetReady
Some Neighborhoods are preparing by holding neighborhood  block parties where everyone donates money for the food being served, and also bringing pot luck.

Most of the donations collected will go towards purchasing and filling their CERT Trailer. They will fill it with supplies like Medical Equipment, bandages, backboards, splints, blankets.  Lots of First Aid Supplies, a couple of porta potties, hygiene kits, paper products, garbage bags, disinfectant etc.

Also, rescue supplies like shovels, ropes, pics sledge hammers, ladders, hand tools, flashlights and Command Post Equipment and Supplies, like folding tables and chairs, overhead lighting, maybe a generator and extension cords.

Some Neighborhood's even choose to include helicopter landing lights and solar chargers.

Begin by educating your neighborhood why you are motivated to create your CERT Trailer.  When people understand it will be for them, they usually choose to be a part of the effort.

The Precinct Leader may lead this effort.  Consider having a neighborhood party where you get to know one another.  Start the process, let them see it grow as you purchase your trailer first. Then begin to fill it.

Ask for donations of used, clean sheets and towels. We had a Rip Roll and Bag Night where we gathered together in a back yard,  summertime on the clean beautiful green grass.  Putting chairs in large circles where we could visit as we measured, ripped, rolled and bagged clean, donated sheets and pillowcases into 4 and 5 inch wide bandages.  We later sanitized and re-bagged them. We also sewed two large towels together to use as blankets.

It won't take long to fill your trailer as you work together to make it happen.  Invite everyone in your neighborhood to participate.  Friendships created will be the foundation of your success and survival.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

CERT Trailer Supplies List