CHGetReady would like to thank the awesome Cottonwood
Heights Police Department for the amazing working relationship that has been
developed through the years as residents, (volunteers) and professionals.
We thank the Chiefs, Department, Staff and Officers for
their dedication to the safety and education of our community. The responsibility of caring for the safety
of others is taken seriously and personally.
Many of them are also our neighbors so it is personal for them. We are grateful for their sacrifice, every day
as they put their own lives on the line to keep us safe and to do their job to
the best of their ability.
We appreciate the time, their time given to teach us in our
Quarterly Precinct Leader Training meetings about Neighborhood Watch Training,
Animal Control Principles, City Emergency Procedures, their support at
Neighborhood Parties, City Events, Communications for emergencies
training. They want us to be more educated and prepared in our homes, neighborhoods and our community. The list goes on and on and we
are so fortunate to have amazing officers who watch out for us. Thank YOU Cottonwood Heights Police
Everyday, every response to a 911 call or a response to a
traffic violation brings them face to face with the possibility of a personal
attack from someone who is on drugs, disgruntled, out of control, life
threatening possibilities. They are
willing to do it., EVERYDAY. That is
their job, just like the military.
Sometimes it isn’t pretty, most of the time it may be horrific to them!
Do we take into consideration the entire event or do we pick it apart to try to
make a point of our police officers not showing respect to the one being hand
cuffed or subdued to submission?
Really? Is our life
always fabulous or do we have emotional ups and downs? And are we being judged
on just the downs?
Well, lately I have seen that many of the Police Departments
in our country have had their feet held to the fire of the downs. What got them there? Does anyone ask what they were responding to? Was that pretty?
NO! It usually is not, that is why they are there.
So if News stations are looking for the ratings, why don’t
they get the entire story?
Why aren’t the bottom line questions being ask? Why aren’t we getting all the
information? Don’t we owe it to
ourselves to get all the information BEFORE we choose to act or take a stand?
There are definitely times when people in any profession,
business or government officials make poor choices that will affect others
negatively. That is part of being
human. All of us are responsible to live
our lives with integrity and respect, not just the police department or those
in places of authority.
We can look all around us at others, ourselves included and
those in places of power and authority, we see the consequences of making
unaccountable choices at the expense of others.
So the question that comes to mind is…….”because someone
else chooses to act without integrity and lawlessly, does that give me the
right to do the same?
And if I do act without integrity and lawlessly, what will
the consequence of my action bring?”
Does a child learn a better way by behaving badly with no consequence
given? Or does a child learn a better way by being taught a more productive way
of looking at their frustration?
We must see that there are laws given so we can learn a
better way. And when we learn that better
way is to be accountable and responsible for the choices we make, we become orderly people who live with honor
because we choose to become honorable.
Relationships matter, taking personal accountability and
responsibility does matter.
Personal integrity matters from both, residents and
professionals in any city. Respecting ourselves by living true principles daily
ripples out to respecting others.
True principles lived ripples out as easily as no principles
lived ripples out.
It is all a matter of choice, our own personal choice. We are powerful beings, we can make the world
a better place or we can be part of its destruction.
We choose to make it a better place, we choose to applaud
our amazing Cottonwood Heights Police Department, Officials and Officers for a
job well done. We thank them for being a
part of our incredible community.

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