Learn more, you can even register what you would like to practice for ShakeOut, then be sure to do it!
Have fun playing "What to do in the event of an earthquake."
Share the information and the website with your family and friends so they can get prepared too.
Shake Out is AWESOME! Knowing what to do in the event of an earthquake is priceless.
Following is a teaser of what you can gain from the website, what a great resource.
Take some time to learn and discover for yourself the skills that may save your life! It is so cool!
Click here to get the full scoop Drop Cover Hold on!
Thank YOU shakeout.org, Great Service, Great website!
In Cottonwood Heights, we will be playing "How to use our Emergency Ribbons" for Shake Out this year April 16th.
All residents are invited to join us. We will begin the drill @ 9:00 AM.
Ready to
16, 2016, 9:00 am - Begin the drill
Neighbors place an emergency ribbon, Red,
Yellow, Green or Black
so your Block Captain can see it
from the road.
Captains report ribbon colors to your Precinct Comms
Precinct Comms report ribbon colors to your
District Comms
Remember this is a drill………….
have some fun!!!!
The Great Utah/Cottonwood Heights
Place one of the Emergency Ribbons so that your Block Captains can see it from the street.
The Block Captain will report the neighbors in his/her block ribbon colors displayed to the Precinct Comms (neighborhood or ward communications operator).
Then the Precinct Comms will report all the blocks in their Precinct (neighborhood or ward) ribbon colors to the District Comms (another word for Stake Communications Operator).
The District Comms will report the collected data from the Precincts to the City Comms or EOC (Emergency Operations Center)
Voila! Crossing fingers and toes that the process works! We will all learn so much.
All Block Captains are encouraged to meet together with their Precinct Leaders to document their experience right after the drill. (this should only take about 20 min)
Document where the black areas in the Precinct are for transmission on the walkie talkies, was the transmission understandable? what needs to be worked on? Were the ribbons seen from the road? What did we learn? etc.
Follow up is so valuable and can be built upon for the next drill.
After the drill is over, all residents are encouraged to place their ribbon used back with the entire Emergency Ribbon packet, so it is ready for the next drill, or maybe (oh no, don't say it!) Earthquake or Event.

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