home preperation response recovery meet debbie

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Did you say Neighborhood Watch? What is that?

Neighborhood Watch is a program sponsored by the Police Department for the residents of the city.
Trainings include how to secure your own home and also what to watch for in your neighborhood.
Meaning, unusual activity to be aware of and watch for.  Also who to call to report it to.

In Cottonwood Heights, our Precinct Leaders receive Neighborhood Watch Training at the quarterly Precinct Training Meetings.

We have received training on Domestic Violence and Winter Driving, along with Securing Your Home.  The presentations have been very valuable and amazing.

We look forward to learning more from the Neighborhood Watch Trainers.

We also encourage Precincts to invite a Neighborhood Watch Trainer to present the same great information for your Block Captains and all neighbors.

Information is powerful when it raises our awareness and we act on it.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Precinct Team Organization Duties

Block Captain Duties
Prepare your own household, CERT Training is a great foundation. Invest in your own set of walkie talkies and become trained on walkie talkies by participating in your weekly Precinct Comm drill. 
Deliver the Emergency Ribbons to your neighbors and share with them how and when they will use them, invite them to participate in practice drills using the ribbons.
Get to know your block of neighbors and exchange contact info, find out who has tools and equipment needed for search and rescue of neighbors.
 Attend periodic Precinct Team Training meetings,  learn and practice your neighborhood emergency plan.  Keep in touch with your team and share what you learn with your family and neighbors.  Encourage working relationships
Consider First Aid Training and CPR to enrich your skill base
Know your Team, know your Precinct  
In an emergency,
Secure of your own household and family first, then report your neighbors emergency ribbon status and be ready for dispatch

Precinct Leader
Prepare your own household, take your CERT Training, First Aid Training & CPR.
Using your Precinct Map (obtained from the City GIS Specialist), divide your neighborhood into blocks of 6-10 line of sight households (if not done), number the blocks beginning with #1, invite a neighbor (or a couple) from each block to join your team and serve as Block Captains.  Assign them their Block # from the map, this is their Captain #.
Generate a  Precinct Team Contact List: including Precinct #,  CERTS, Block Captain #, Name, Phone #, E-mail, # Homes  of each BC. Distribute to everyone on your team. Use for your weekly communication drills (same day, same time) that you have planned with your Precinct Comms (in charge of your weekly communication drills) with your Precinct Team.
Your Precinct Team members (Block Captains and CERTS) invest in their own set of walkie talkies.
Create your CERT Cache (emergency supply trailer)  see Supplies list. Use donations from the neighbors in your Precinct.  Work together.
Attend quarterly City Precinct Leader Team Training for additional training, support and assistance in creating your Neighborhood Emergency Plan.
Hold periodic meetings with your Block Captains and CERTS, encourage family preparation to be shared with neighbors, cover training on the emergency ribbons, practice with your team and neighbors.
Create your Precinct Emergency Plan, including the physical sites of your Neighborhood Command Post, shelter, water and food for the emergency team, also, medical staging area for triage and treatment area, morgue, nursery, and pets.  Assign Team Leaders for set up.
You oversee your neighborhood plan (as per CERT Training)

Copyright CHGetReady

  Know your Team, know your Precinct  
In an emergency,
Take Care of your own household and family first,
Set up the command post, with your Precinct Comms,  work together to dispatch CERTS,
Organize non-CERT volunteers appropriately
Be prepared to turn over all responsibility to the City First Responders when they arrive

Precinct Comms Duties
Prepare your own household, become trained on walkie talkies, then train your Block Captains and CERTS.  CERT Training is a great foundation.  Consider HAM Radio Training.  Plan a day and time with your Precinct Team to hold your weekly drill.
You are over communication to and from your Precinct. Including the education and follow through of drills with your Block Captains and CERTS.  (BC Reporting Roster).
Over time as you layer the different levels of your plan, you will include neighbors practicing with Emergency Ribbons, BC reporting the ribbon status, and dispatch of CERTS  & BC to the needed areas where needed. 
Practice conquers fear.  As you drill, take note of your neighborhood’s best and worst reception areas. Make sure Precinct Team know where those bad areas are.
As a Precinct, meet, plan, practice
Know your Team…Precinct Leader, Block Captains, CERTS, Neighbors
In an emergency,
Take Care of your own household and family first
Set up your neighborhood Command Post with your Precinct Leader
Prepare to receive BC Emergency Ribbon reporting status
Dispatch CERTS & CERT Trained BC to needed areas for search and rescue
Be prepared to request assistance from or to give assistance to a neighboring precinct if able.

Copyright CHGetReady