We will respond to all kinds of emergencies, earthquake, flood, fire, chemical spill, tornado, hurricane and many other emergencies.
When a neighborhood's residents are prepared, and know each other, the event can be a totally different kind of experience, even a good one.
Knowing what to do, who to work with, how to respond through training will prepare us to respond systematically shortly after an event. Getting to work to accomplish what is needed with no time wasted, saving lives, serving one another. The sense of community, of family when based on respect, honor, self discipline, self-reliance, honesty and service will unite a community in a hurry. You see, we as human beings need each other. We need to be wanted and needed and we want to serve and love.
It is natural for us to want to jump in and help someone else first without thought of ourselves, there are times that will work. However, taking care of one's very basic needs first can mean the difference of life or death for both the saver and the saved.
A great example is the airlines specific directions of putting your own air supply on first before you assist your child or anyone else.......meaning Always, take care of yourself, then your family and home before you go assist others.
In an emergency, it is Always your safety and your family first. When they are out of danger, help your neighbors. Hopefully, you have gotten to know your neighbors and your neighborhood is organized so you can get to work.
Response is executing all the levels of your family, neighborhood and city plan you have prepared so well for with confidence that the experience will make you stronger because you are ready for it.